How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla? The Best Chargers and 3 Options

julio 20, 2022
How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla?

Tesla Motors makes some of the most talked-about electric cars in the business, Model S, Model X, Model 3, and Model Y. Marketed as luxurious electric vehicles (EVs), Tesla's sleek products feature a lengthy driving range, as well as a price tag to match.

Understanding Tesla charging station options is a crucial part of owning an electric car. How long does Tesla charging take? Every Tesla comes with a few base charging options. When you purchase a Tesla, you will receive one charging cable and three adapters: one for standard wall outlets (NEMA 5-15), one for 240-volt high-power outlets (NEMA 14-50), and one for public charging stations (except for Teslas Superchargers).

Charging a Tesla can take between one and 12 hours.

The charging time for Tesla is based on the level of battery capacity in the vehicle, as well as what kind of charging station you are using. In the chart below, we are going to assume the worst-case scenario: You have an absolutely empty battery, and you are using a model with the largest battery.

The NEMA 5-15 charging adapter for Tesla electric cars connects to a standard wall socket, and is Teslas slowest type of electric vehicle charger available. A standard Tesla charger with the NEMA 5-15 plug would offer around 3 miles of range for an hour of charging.

This kind of charging station is best suited to use at home at night. The Tesla Electric Cars NEMA 14-50 charging adapter plugs into a 240-volt wall socket, like the kind used for your clothes dryer or other appliances. A standard Tesla charger with the NEMA 14-50 plug will charge the Tesla Battery fully in 10 hours (for the Model S) to 10 1/ 2 hours (for Model X).

Tesla offers wall-mounted plug-in charging stations in the home, which act as "upgrades" to the standard charging cable provided with the purchase of a Tesla. With help from an electrician, you can install a wall connector to charge your Tesla Model S or Model X in your home. A wall connector can charge the battery in the Tesla Model S fully in six to nine hours, or in the Model Xs fully charged in six and a half to 10 hours.

Teslas Supercharger stations are scattered across the country, making it possible for you to bring your Model S or Model X along for a road trip. These stations are compatible with only Tesla vehicles, and they charge the vehicle up completely in one hour to one-and-a-half hours.

How long does the Tesla battery last?

On a single charge, Tesla‘s smaller batteries (in Model 3) last for 262 miles. The highest range that Tesla offers is 405 miles for a full charge of its Model S battery.

It is important to note that these numbers are not always accurate, and it is always important to take care to recharge the Tesla. Some factors that can impact how far your battery will get you are how you drive, where you are driving (highway vs. off-road), and your battery's size/model. Similar to the range for a single charge, your Tesla car's battery life can fluctuate as well, depending on a few factors. As a general rule, Tesla batteries are designed for 300,000-500,000 miles of life, which is the equivalent of 21-35 years, depending on how many miles the average American drives.

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How Much Does It Cost To Charge A Tesla?

Electric cars provide substantial daily fuel savings due to the efficient use of electricity as a fuel. The cost to fully charge your Tesla depends on what type of vehicle you own and where you live, as the cost of electricity varies from utility company to utility company and from state to state.

The cost of "filling" the Tesla Model S battery at home varies between $6.60 (in Washington State) to a little more than $21.00 (in Hawai). For the Tesla Model X, prices would be anywhere from $6.70 (in Washington) to nearly $22.00 (in Hawai). To find out everything you need to know about Tesla charging costs, check out our blog posts on costs per model, etc. When you purchase an electric vehicle, the cost to you for fuel is the same as the cost to use the electricity to recharge the cars batteries.

Can Solar Help?

By installing domestic solar panels along with your EV, you can eliminate the need to draw electricity from the grid at all. The result: emissions-free, lower-cost electricity for both your home and car. The average customer breaks even on their solar investments in only seven-and-a-half years, with solar panels continuing to produce usable electricity for 25+ years. We can help you find vetted installers in your area.

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